Our Vision Statement

We, the workers of The Trevor Project, are dedicated to creating a world where all LGBTQ+ young people see a bright future for themselves.

We are a diverse coalition who bring unique experiences to our work. We are an extension of the community we serve, including people of color, disabled people, and trans and non-binary people. We are public servants who are committed to supporting our LGBTQ+ community.

The Trevor Project has strayed away from its values and vision. Over the past months and years, our staff members have called into question the leadership and priorities of the organization. BIPOC, trans, and disabled staff spoke up against racism and discrimination; our Crisis Services staff spoke up against harassment and unsafe working conditions; staff spoke up in solidarity with their colleagues’ concerns. After months of giving leadership space to listen, we are still begging to be heard.

For these reasons we are announcing our intention to organize with the Communications Workers of America.

We, Friends of Trevor United, are unionizing for:

  • An influential role in decision-making about our workplace
  • The dignity, respect, and safety of our Black, AAPI, Latinx, MENA/SWANA, and Indigenous staff through zero-tolerance racism and discrimination policies, training, and hiring practices
  • A focus on the quality of the services we provide to LGBTQ+ young people and the development of anti-carceral policies and procedures
  • Access to best-in-class healthcare including gender-affirming services with no preconditions
  • Realistic and trauma-informed metrics, expectations, and working conditions for crisis service staff
  • Comprehensive and responsive accommodation processes for disabled and neurodivergent employees
  • Transparent, fair, and equitable pay bands and compensation
  • Transparency and safeguards around layoffs, department restructures, and severance benefits
  • Clear and direct accountability from C-Suite, Executive team, and Leadership

Trevor’s vision is at the heart of our unionization, and we believe only union representation will ensure our voices are heard and demands achieved. A union contract would set clear, safe, and equitable conditions of staff employment, protect staff members from retaliation, and ensure equitable treatment for all. We stand in solidarity to build a better future for The Trevor Project and the LGBTQ+ young people we serve.

We are calling upon The Trevor Project to recognize and respect our legal right to organize.

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